Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Assignment on Self Assessment for Core Leadership -myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theAssignment on Self Assessment for Core Leadership. Answer: The assessment of leadership motivation suggests me that I possess a strong motivation in order to lead, which enables me to become a leader. As recommended by the assessment, I should think about pursuing my career as a leader. The score suggests that I wish to become a leader and along with that I also have the confidence to become a successful leader. In order to realize my aim, the assessment further suggests me to study on transformational leadership and Core leadership theories. Self-assessment practices make one aware of his or her both negative and positive aspects of personality (Weiner Greene, 2017). It assesses the persons personality in order to examine that how the person reacts in different circumstances, his or her perception towards problems and whether he or she possesses confidence either to face the challenges or to achieve his ambition. Self-assessment is a way by which one can know about himself or herself. It gathers information about ones interest, type of personality, and other values. Self-assessment defines ones personality by assessing the persons interests. Assessment of aptitudes is one of the crucial parts of self-assessment. In a self-assessment, a person is given with some examples of situations and he or she is assessed how the person reacts to those situations (Dweck, 2013). Work-related values are also examined in order to help one to understand his personality. Personality plays an integral part in leadership quality of a person in an organization (Colbert, Barrick Bradley, 2014). How one presents himself or herself before others. How one manages his organizational work and employees depend on the persons personality. The positive aspects such as the quality to accept any challenges in the workplace make the person a good leader. Similarly, if the person fails to manage its employees, it is considered as the negative aspect of his personality. Higher emotional intelligence helps one to empathize with others. The person with a high rate of emotional intelligence generally is able to convey his or her emotions clearly before others (Colbert, Barrick Bradley, 2014). the higher the persons emotional intelligence is, the more he is capable manage the team members and workers in an organization. One whose emotional intelligence is higher is able to encourage him or her as well as his co-workers. Generally the leaders of an organization possess high decision making abilities in order to make a necessary decision for the purpose of organizational operations (Huffman, 2014). The higher rate of decision making ability helps one to make decisions which will be effective in the long term. References Boud, D. (2013).Enhancing learning through self-assessment. Routledge. Colbert, A. E., Barrick, M. R., Bradley, B. H. (2014). Personality and leadership composition in top management teams: Implications for organizational effectiveness.Personnel Psychology,67(2), 351-387. Dweck, C. S. (2013).Self-theories: Their role in motivation, personality, and development. psychology press. Huffman, J. B., Hipp, K. A., Pankake, A. M., Moller, G. A. Y. L. E. (2014). Professional learning communities: Leadership, purposeful decision making, and job-embedded staff development.Journal of School Leadership,11(5), 448-463. Oppenheimer, S. C. (2017).U.S. Patent No. 9,786,145. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Weiner, I. B., Greene, R. L. (2017).Handbook of personality assessment. John Wiley Sons.

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