Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Political Science Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Political Science - Assignment Example The term â€Å"Politics† has been coined from the Greek term ‘Polis’ that meant city – state (Murali, et al, 1). There are five major subfields in the discipline of political science which are American Government, Comparative Government, Public Administration, International Relations and Political Theory (The Subfields of Political Science). American Government – it is concerned with the American system of government and exposes the student to its different functionalities. Comparative Government – this section explains about the different comparisons of the governments in the world. Public Administration- this deals with the study of government bureaucracies. International Relations- it involves a detail study of the different international systems in the world. Political Theory –it is divided into empirical political theory and normative political philosophy. Answer 2 The four primary subfields in political science get their ideas fro m the western political thoughts. Political science is considered as a relatively new concept that began in the early nineteenth century. Before the beginning of political science as a separate discipline, politics was studied as a part of the natural philosophy. There were many terms in political science like parliament that were derived from the existing western political governments. For these reasons, it is considered that the essence of political science is westernized in many respects. Political science is a combination of several subfields each of which pertains to a separate area of study and understanding. For gaining a complete understanding of the subject, it will be necessary to have a fair idea of all its related subfields. For this reason, it is said that the knowledge in political science is a cumulative knowledge of different but inter related topics. Answer 3 Power has been defined in many ways depending on the social and political interests. As a single definition of power is not easy to frame, Galileo had stated that power is an â€Å"essentially contested concepts† and â€Å"concepts the proper use of which inevitably involves endless disputes about their proper uses on the part of their users† (Pansardi, 1). According to the Weber power has been defined as â€Å"the probability that one actor within a social relationship will be in a position to carry out his own will despite resistances, regardless of the basis on which this probability rests† (Swedberg, 205). Conflict is defined as the situation that arises when there are disagreements between parties over an issue. Social conflict can arise over how the resources of the society are to be utilized and how much of it would be allotted to every individuals. Answer 4 There are different approaches of studying political science. These are Positivism,  Functionalism, Structuralism,  Interpretivism  and Materialism (Marxism). Positivism - Positivism is the philosophy of science which is based on the concept that in social sciences, data is derived from the sensory experiences (Blaikie, 113) and the logical or the mathematical expressions of the data, are in all, an exclusive interpretation for the authoritative knowledge. Obtaining and verification of the data which can be obtained from the senses is called empirical evidence. Positivism view holds the concept that society operates based on the laws found in the physical world. Structuralism –

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Corporate Governance Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Corporate Governance - Research Paper Example Introduction The term corporate governance is employed to refer to the systems through which companies are controlled and directed. This is through the involvement of the market and regulatory mechanisms. It also encompasses the relationship that exists between the board, the management of the organization, stakeholders and shareholders that are involved with the organization. Corporate governance also involves the goals through which the company is governed (Jo & Harjoto, 2012, 58). One of the key interests of corporate governance includes the mitigation of conflicts that may arise among the stakeholders in the company. This involves ensuring that there is no disagreement in the agenda of the stakeholders in regards to policies, processes, laws, customs and institutions that have influence over how the company is managed. Corporate governance has been necessitated in recent times, with the wake of a number of high profile company collapses, with the principal cause being attributed to accounting fraud. This, therefore, made it necessary for corporate to come up with to avoid such occurrences. Principles of Corporate governance For corporate governance to be effectual, some principles were agreed upon as a framework for the practice. One of the principles is in regards to the treatment of shareholders. Corporate realized that how they treat their shareholders has a significant impact on their operations. Therefore, it is imperative for organizations to respect the shareholders liberties and assist them in employing those liberties (Norwani, Mohamad & Chek 2011, 210). This can be achieved by encouraging the shareholders to be proactive in the general summits, and through the establishment of a communication that is open and effective. Another principle includes organizations ensuring that the other stakeholders’ interests are addressed. This is because; it is the obligation of the corporate to ensure that the interests of these parties are addressed. Stak eholders may include employees, investors, the community, creditors, customers, suppliers and policy makers. Among the principles, the board’s roles and responsibilities are also stipulated (Johnson, Moorman & Sorescu, 2009, 4755). The board has a critical function, which requires them to have sufficient skills that are essential in addressing challenges that may affect the corporate in its operations. Corporate governance ensures that the board is aware of their mandate. The board needs to be autonomous, committed and of an adequate size, to handle its mandate capably. It is crucial for the corporate management of an institution to be triumphant; there ought to be transparency in the Corporation. This is through the making public of the mandate of the board and the general management. This disclosure will ensure that there is accountability on the part of management, and the board to the stakeholders of the Corporation. I this case, procedures should be implemented to ensure the corporation safeguards the veracity in its finance reporting. It is also fundamental to make certain that there is an accurate and timely disclosure, to give the stakeholders a vivid representation of information regarding the corporate. These principles were formulated to ensure that