Saturday, December 28, 2019

Our Nutrition And Food We Eat - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 633 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/02/20 Category Health Essay Level High school Tags: Nutrition Essay Did you like this example? Nutrition is one of the most important consumptions in our life’s. One way that nutrition Is important to us it acts as a molecular biology. It has become more focused on metabolism and metabolic pathways. (Medicalnewstoday) The way we nutrient our body it can determine what diseases, conditions and even problem we have or can cause to our body. While doing this assignment, I learned, there are ways to keep track of our consumptions, the recommended intake of food consumption, and what I could do to maintain a good body composition. In my experience with this assignment, it was quite hard to document exactly what I was eating. After starting this class, I decided to change my diet in trying to lose weight, and I realized that literary everything that you eat is important, from the kind of bread you eat to every slice of pickle. First I had to look for an application to document my food consumption. I found that the application MyFitnessPal was the best choice for me. It gave you accurate information, on how much carbohydrates, fat, protein, etc.. you were eating. Then, I had to learn what type of nutrients I was consuming. I found out that carbohydrates are one of the main types of nutrients. (MedlinePlus) Protein plays many functions in our body, for example, protein can boost metabolism, increase fat burning, protein is good for your bones, and can increase muscle mass and strength. That’s only if you eat the right kind and amount of protein. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Our Nutrition And Food We Eat" essay for you Create order After, reading the Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids, and reviewing my 3-day consumption log I must change my diet. According, to the book, â€Å"Adults should get 45 percent to 65 percent of their calories from carbohydrates, 20 percent to 35 percent from fat, and 10-35 percent from protein.† ( In order, for someone to maintain a good cardiovascular health, we must do at least one hour of exercise each day. On Monday, October 29th, I went over 1% on carbohydrates for fat I went over 5%, and for protein, I was under the recommended percentages. On Tuesday, October 30th, I went over 3% for carbohydrates, for fat I went over 8%, and for protein, I went 11% under the recommended intake percentages. For my third log in the day Wednesday, October 31st, I went over 13% for carbohydrates, for fat I was 7% under, and for protein, I was 6% under the recommended intake percentages. I notice that I ate a lot of take-out food for dinner during these three days, and that’s very unusual for me. For example, my carbohydrates were higher on Wednesday than the other today’s, I did eat Chick-fil-a for dinner; even though Chick-fil-a is good, it’s also very fattening. Also, I noticed my sodium intake was extremely high, it was about 3,000 mg or more each day. My choices of snacks these three days weren’t the smartest, I was eating pure sugar, nothing that was benefiting my body. By analyzing my results, I learned that I need to decrease my consumption of carbohydrates and fat and to add some protein to my diet. Even though I did decrease my calorie intake each day than how I used to eat, I should be eating more home cooked meals rather than eating take-out food. With the rate that I am going, I should be making more healthy choices, or else my health won’t be in good shape. Even though I get most of my exercise at work, a simple 30-minute run would make a difference in my health and body composition. I should eat foods that have fewer carbohydrates, sodium, and fats. Overall, I learned the importance of macronutrients that are to our bodies, and ways that I can improve my health style.

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Crucible By Arthur Miller - 1235 Words

â€Å"Your reputation and integrity are everything. Follow through on what you say you’re going to do. Your credibility can only be built over time, and it is built from the history of your words and actions.† Maria Razumich-Zec put into words the importance that society places on reputation. It has become clear that what other people think of someone is far more important to that individual than what they may know to be true about themselves. In todays society is very rare to find people that are content with what they are, despite what the people surrounding them believe. This notion that in order to be validated there has to be external approval dates back to the seventeenth century and earlier. During the Salem Witch Trials, men and women were killed daily due to the thoughts of others. In Arthur Miller’s Crucible, it is clearly demonstrated that reputation is a huge role in the daily lives of people. A fine example of how The Crucible displays the importance of reputation is obviously with the character of John Proctor. The actions that take place in the play are due to Abigail Williams longing for John Proctor to be hers yet again. John and Abigail had an affair months back, and in fear of what may happen to her family, Elizabeth Proctor banished Abigail from her home. During this time, the act of adultery was a heinous crime. If one were to commit such a sin, then the punishment would be severe. In fear of the consequences he might face, even just as simple as theShow MoreRelatedThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1269 Words   |  6 PagesAt first glance, the playwright Arthur Miller in The Crucible highlights the historical significance of the Salem Witch Trials of 1692, but in fact it is an allegorical expression of his perception of McCarthyism. If the reader has some background information on Arthur Miller’s victimization as a communist, it is evident that the play is a didactic vessel illustrating the flaws of the court syste m in the 1950’s. The communist allegations were launched at government employees, entertainers and writersRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1681 Words   |  7 Pagesof their way to the last dying breath to make sure they leave with a good or bad reputation. In one of the recent literature study in class â€Å"The Crucible† by Arthur Miller, Miller uses characterization to illustrate reputation throughout the play. â€Å"The Crucible† takes place in Salem, Massachusetts. It is based upon the Salem witch trails. In â€Å"The Crucible†, we journey through the life of three characters who reputations plays a major role in the play. The three characters are John Proctor, AbigailRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller998 Words   |  4 Pagesmotivated by jealousy and spite. The Crucible is a four-act dramatic play production that was first performed on January 22, 1953. Arthur Miller used dialogue within the characters to cover the multiple themes; conflicts and resolutions, plus the few directions for the different actions of the play. The Salem Witch Trials were intended to be performed as the play however, when read, it can be more carefully examined and broken down to analyze the techniques. Miller, the playwright, uses literaryRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1333 Words   |  6 PagesAs the various characters in The Crucible by Arthur Miller interact, the dominant theme of the consequences of women’s nonconformity begins to slide out from behind the curtains of the play. Such a theme reveals the gripping fear that inundated the Puritans during the seventeenth century. This fear led to the famous witch-hunts that primarily terrorized women who deviated from the Puritan vision of absolute obedience and orthodoxy. Arthur Miller presents his interpretation of the suffering by subtlyRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1145 Words   |  5 PagesUnbalance Through The Centuries In Arthur Miller’s play, The Crucible, the author reflects the persecution of communists in America in the 1950’s through a recount of the Salem witch trials. It is often presumed that Miller based his drama directly off of events that were particularly prevalent in the years surrounding the publication of The Crucible- which was released in the year 1953, towards the conclusion of the Korean War. Although there was not a literal witch hunt occurring during this timeRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1063 Words   |  5 PagesIn the English dictionary, there are three definitions of the word crucible. One is a metal container in which metals are mixed and melted. Another is a severe test. But the third definition, and the one that I think fits the best for this book, is a place or situation in which different elements interact to create something new. In my mind, this fits because all of the characters had their little grudges and dirty secrets. But when all th ose seemingly little things interact, they formed somethingRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1285 Words   |  6 Pages Rationale, Morality, Stereotypes, Pressure, Self-Censorship, Unanimity, and Mindguards. Groupthink has also taken place in our history a a country. The play, The Crucible by Arthur Miller is about a the real-life Salem Witch Trials that happened in 1692 - 1693, in Salem, Massachusetts. Some symptoms of Groupthink found in the Crucible are Rationale, Pressure, and Self-Censorship. The Groupthink symptom, Rationale, is described as when victims of Groupthink ignore warnings: they also collectivelyRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller841 Words   |  4 PagesThe Crucible is a chaotic play, throughout this American classic Arthur Miller takes the reader through multiple events of terror and insanity. While creating a great on-stage play, Arthur Miller portrays his life through the events, the characters, and plot of The Crucible. Using vivid imagery and comprehensible symbolism, Miller manipulates the real personalities of the characters and events in 1600 Salem, Massachusetts to create a symbolic autobiography. Throughout this play, the reader experiencesRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller811 Words   |  4 Pages While The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, is only a four act play, it still resembles the format of a five act play. The five-act structure evolved from a three-act structure, which was made famous by Roman Aelius Donatus. Donatus came up with thre e types of plays: Protasis, Epitasis, and Catastrophe. The five-act structure helped to expand the three act structure, mainly made famous by Shakespeare through his many tragedies. Even though The Crucible contains only four acts, it still has the commonRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1052 Words   |  5 PagesBuddy Al-Aydi Ms.Healy English 9 CP 14th October 2014 The Crucible Essay The Crucible was a novel written by Arthur Miller in the 1950’s. It was written in a format of the play, portraying an allegory of the Salem Witch-Hunts led by Senator Joseph McCarthy. The book is known to have a inexplicable plot. This plot is advanced by multiple characters in the book in order to ensure that the reader maintains interest with the material that is being read. The farmer, John Proctor, would be the

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Class scheduling free essay sample

In first part of the study, the researcher would like to introduce scheduling system that named â€Å"Systematic class scheduling system for Cavite State University- Carmona Campus†. These project will be proposed in such a way it is a requirement to be completed and submitted in these second semester. The researcher will make a study more specific about the system and how will it help Cavite State University (CvSu) in terms of scheduling. Specifically, the study gives a clear insight about the advantage and its disadvantage. The study will help the user through giving the complete instructions about its main functions and well fitted to the demand of the user. This system will introduce its uses, and enumerates the beneficiary of this system. This study helps the user to visualize the main concern of having this system. In every institution, the assigned department for scheduling have a big responsibility when comes in organizing procedure how they manipulate the routine of their administration. We will write a custom essay sample on Class scheduling or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In addition to that, many of them want to know how they perform task that is absolutely fast and as well as organized. Exactly, the solution comes coincide in technology trends. Cavite State University is a school wherein the technology will help about scheduling so the researcher comes up to help for developing a scheduling system. The system will easy to operate because it is automatic that sort and denied if the schedule is conflict. This study will help more the school to meet their need which is a scheduling. The researcher will know the solution to the problem. The researcher will collect all data about the school. The study will include the number of professors, number of courses, and number of students that is regular and irregular students. The researcher will decides wisely for choosing an application that is suitable for making a scheduling system. A school needs a scheduling system because most of the time that merely computer cannot help. The mere fact is they need more about deep components of using computers. A school needs to discover an application that will help much. One problem that can see in schools is the conflicts of schedules. The schedules of room will not be overlapping on other room because it will affect classes and the tendency is to adjust the other classes. The focus of the researcher is to develop an effective, accurate and timely scheduler. At present, many applications developed and applied in a real life situation. The research will rely on using an ANDRIOD application for developing a system. The reason why ANDROID is the preference because ANDROID is one of many technologies that is trendy in demands of any users. This study will help more of the school the Cavite State University, in the individual inside the school, which is the Professor and also help to the Students. The research will conduct through gaining more knowledge from internet, journals, human thoughts and other knowledge that will broaden the mind of the researcher and it will develop systems effectively. It is promising that this study will affect more in society and especially the user of the system that will be developed. SIGNIFICANT OF THE STUDY The importance of this study is to create a system that will calculate the exact uses of room from the availability of every professor. In every room will also designate the count of courses there in school and its subjects. This study will surely beneficial to individuals including professors, the regular students and also to the irregular students. -To administrators. The schedule of every course and to the professors will be arranged systematically and automatically without spending too much time. -To professors. The schedule that is designated to them will be clearly appeared through seeing their schedules. It will send their schedules through online. -To regular students. The schedule of the regular student will arrange orderly without conflicts and considering to the schedules of the irregular students. -To irregular students. Based on the observations, many of the irregular students was being problematic arranging their own schedules. The scheduling system is the answer to that problem. One to be considering in these system is not to deprive the concern of the irregular student when it comes in schedules. The system will offer convenient without causing delays. This system will offer accurate calculations of distributing schedules for schools. The schools that having this system is more advantage compare in school that doesn’t have and will classify as a progressive school.